Focus & Expertise


Regardless of the size or industry your business operates in, we consider that timeous and accurate accounting information is the “navigation system” that ensures that your business operations will run more effectively on a daily basis.

Your growth and development are our focus. As every business is different, we personalise our service based on your needs.

Falling behind in your accounting is a common problem for smaller companies caught up in the daily priorities of running a business. And many entities continue in this way until a crisis triggers the need for up to date records.

Our competent personnel will step in to update your accounting records, produce a set of financial statements and make sure you meet your immediate regulatory and tax deadlines. Once the urgent update has been completed, we will help you to structure your business for maximum tax efficiency and profitability.

Accounting Services

– Bookkeeping
– Monthly management accounts
– Drafting of Annual Financial Statements.
– Payroll Administration
– Restoring and brining up to date accounting records.

Statutory Services

– Deceased Estates
– Secretarial
– Liquidation
– Trust Formation & Administration

Get in Touch

Tel: 021 702 1374

Suite 4, Constantia House
Steenberg Office Park
Constantia 7800

PostNet Suite #40
Private Bag X26
Tokai 7966